Published in Upgrade

Mercedes-Benz Xentry 12/2016 Update

Mercedes-Benz Xentry 12/2016 Update

Mercedes-Benz Xentry DAS 12/2016 version contains a number of major updates, including 12/2016 Xentry, StarFinder 4 and the new engineering software DTS Monaco, it's strongly recommended to use the old version of the Mercedes-Benz customers to update to this version, to correspond to a wider range of new Mercedes Benz models.

Xentry DAS
12/2016 Xentry DAS

Xentry DAS ( Diagnostic Assistance System ) is the complete diagnosis system that is used to troubleshoot Mercedes-Benz Vehicle problems, it also is the offical Mercedes-Benz dealer-level software. It can configure, reprogram, initialization of new components, program, perform guided tests, read or erase fault codes in any of the systems.

Product detail

Star Finder 4
Searching Component Location
StarFinder 4

StarFinder 4 contains electrical wiring wiring diagrams and information on an arrangement on the car of elements of electric schemes, including gauges and sockets for Mercedes models. In the catalogue Star Finder standard numbering of elements of firm MB is used, therefore for work with the program, it is necessary to have the electric scheme of the car.

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DTS Monaco
New Generation Development Software
DTS Monaco

DTS Monaco is the next version of Vediamo, DTS Monaco enables the comprehensive testing of diagnostic communication, diagnostic data and diagnostic sequences in the areas of engineering, testing and preparation of manufacturing tests. It can be adapted flexibly both for a whole range of different test tasks and for different user groups.